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The Center for Lifelong Learning "Askardamykti", in the context of its smooth operation and with the aim of the smooth relationship and cooperation of those involved in the educational process, ie students, educators, staff (Secretariat and other staff) and the School Management, has recommended the following operating regulations which all the above must know and strictly observe.


  1. Askardamykti is a level 1 lifelong learning center with license number 2100356 and can accommodate up to 75 trainees per teaching hour. Level One and Two Lifelong Learning Centers are service providers within its framework  non-formal education  they provide  to ADULTS (18+) and only: a) continuing vocational training b) general adult education c) vocational guidance d) vocational counseling.

  2. All those involved in the educational process must show the necessary respect for each other and due attention to the school.

  3. Anyone who realizes that a fellow human being has a health problem within the school must immediately report it to an instructor, and / or the secretariat, and / or the school management.

  4. Any of the above who perceives destruction or alteration of material / tool / machine / equipment, must report it immediately to the responsible teacher or the secretariat and / or the management of the school.

  5. For any destruction or alteration of material / tool / machine / equipment that is not due to the educational process or to an accident during the educational process or other activities of an educational nature, the responsibility for the repair or replacement rests solely with the person or persons who caused the damage. .

  6. They are responsible for the safety and security of the personal belongings of those involved in the educational process. In case of loss or damage the school does not bear any responsibility.

  7. The school must inform the student about the rules of Health & Safety of the place, to train the student in the safe use and maintenance of machines and hand tools, while the student must follow the instructions for safe use strictly. In no case is the school responsible for accidents that may be caused by misuse of tools and machines by the student.

  8. The possession, transport, trafficking and use of prohibited substances inside the school, but also in the surrounding area of the school is prohibited.

  9. The school always reserves the right to expel anyone who does not behave properly or deems it a danger to the school and those present.

  10. It is forbidden for people who do not have a job in the field to attend the training facilities, with the exception of visitors, with the approval of the school management and with the necessary accompaniment from the head of the school. In no case are minors allowed in the educational areas except for organized visits - guided tours of schools or groups accompanied by their guardians or responsible teachers.

  11. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the school




  1. The student must keep the common areas clean and take special care that at the end of the course the educational areas are always delivered clean and tidy.

  2. The student should use hand tools, power tools, machines / instruments, as well as school books at the instruction of the teacher, showing due care and diligence and taking care of their good condition.


  1. Students attending vocational training courses may make use of the common areas of education and equipment corresponding to their field of study and outside of their study hours, after the first four months of study with a demonstration of a certificate signed by the responsible teacher that the interested has completed his training in the correct and safe use of machinery and tools.

  2. The use of common areas  and the equipment can be done only on specific days and hours when no other classes are held in the space after consultation with the school for the availability of the space the perfection of the equipment and the availability of a teacher or other supervisor.

  3. The student after the use of the space must take care to leave it clean, with the tools and any materials in their intended place, so that the next student can use them.

  4. The use of the common educational spaces is intended for the practical training of the student in the techniques taught in the school. It must recognize that the use of space does not provide productive work on the part of the student and must not monopolize a machine if there are several students at the same time expecting to use the machine in question.

  5. It is forbidden to access the material warehouses without the accompaniment of the responsible teacher and the use of materials & tools of the school without the approval of the responsible teacher.


  1. The school curriculum has been designed so that each lesson is taught in one-hour, two-hour or three-hour weekly meetings. Each weekly meeting is understood as a unit and non-attendance is ONE absence.

  2. The student must arrive on time. In case it is more than 30 minutes from the start, the instructor should be consulted about whether he can attend the rest of the course without interruption or he should be charged for his absence.

  3. After the completion of the predetermined duration of the course the student must leave the classroom together with the teaching teacher (unless there has been another prior consultation with the teacher or the school)  to prepare the space to accommodate the next sections. The rooms after the end of the lessons remain locked and the space or the equipment inside them cannot be used.

  4. In the educational process, a ten-minute break is provided for every fifty minutes of teaching, except for the last hour of the daily training, during which the last ten minutes are allocated for the cleanliness and tidiness of the training area. If the teacher deems it necessary he may skip a break.

  5. To use a mobile phone, the student must leave the classroom.

  6. It is allowed to take photos with the consent of the teacher. Recording, videotaping and videotaping during the course are prohibited.

  7. Each student should recognize that he or she works in a team, respects his or her classmates' creations, and avoids copying original ideas.


  1. The content of each department is described in the curriculum which is available to those interested either through the official Site of the school or in printed form.  The school reserves the right to adjust the curriculum if it deems it necessary, informing students of these changes.

  2. The duration of study is defined by the school, is published on the official website of the school, is notified to the student upon enrollment and is included in the details of the education contract. Due to the technical nature of the subject of study, an integral part of the material is the practical application in specific constructions. In case the student completes the practical application earlier than the foreseen duration of studies, he is not released from the rest of his financial debts while he reserves the right to continue his presence in the school until the completion of the foreseen duration of studies.

  3. In case of exceptions that require additional time from the one provided for the completion of the practical application and the presence of a teacher is required, prior consultation with the school and the teacher for the planning of the additional teaching hours which will be charged depending on the participation. 

  4. The school in some courses provides basic educational materials in basic shades and qualities for conducting part of the course. The materials are calculated for constructions of specific specifications. In case the student needs additional materials either due to modification, on his part, of the construction specifications, or due to misuse of the material provided by the school, or due to the fact that he wants different aesthetic materials then the cost of additional materials is borne. The materials can either be purchased from the school or from any other commercial store after consulting with the teacher about the required specifications, solely at his own risk for the quality and suitability. In no case does it mean a reduction in tuition, due to non-use of materials provided by the school as part of the course.

  5. Each student's notes are his own and only. The sole person responsible for any distribution of notes in the department is the school and the respective lecturer of the course.

  6. The objects that are made during the studies, are taken by the student after the end of the lessons or at the moment of the interruption of his study. However, until the completion of the student's financial obligations (until the day of interruption or completion of studies) the objects remain the property of the school.

  7. Under construction projects, plans and other educational materials remain in the school unless the teacher indicates otherwise due to homework.


  1. The school creates departments according to demand and availability. It always chooses, at its discretion, the maximum number of participants based on the smooth operation of the departments.

  2. The school reserves the right to cancel a department even if it is in progress, if it deems that the conditions for its operation are not met. In this case, the student must repay any financial obligations he owes to the school, depending on the curriculum he has attended, until the moment of cancellation. If it has already prepaid a larger amount, the school is obliged to return the extra amount immediately.

  3. The school has the right to merge or split departments if it deems necessary.



The school is closed for the following days. These days have been taken into account during the planning of the departments and are not replaced as they are not counted in the teaching hours mentioned in the curriculum:

  • All Sundays of the year

  • Summer vacation: all of August

  • Christmas holidays: from 24/12 to 2/1

  • Easter holidays: from Maundy Thursday to Tuesday after Easter

  • Ash Monday

  • March 25th

  • 28th of October

  • May 1st

  • Holy Spirit

For any other days lost due to an emergency, the school must, at its discretion, either shorten the teaching material in a shorter period of time or set a day to make up for the lost lesson depending on the availability of space and the teaching staff.



  1. In any case of absence (individual or continuous) of the student, he is not released from his financial obligations. The studies consist of complete modules and their attendance as well as the financial debts are continuous and demanding until the day of completion or interruption.

  2. In case of absence, the secretariat must be notified in advance.

  3. In case of the student's absence, there is NO possibility to make up for the lost hours. He is responsible for making up for lost material by taking notes from his classmates or instructions from the teacher and suggested bibliography or notes to work on his personal time.

  4. The school, understanding any personal matters that may lead a student to be absent, stipulates that in order to obtain a degree or a certificate of attendance, the student must not have lost more than 20% of the total attendance hours. He must also have met all his financial obligations.


In case the student requests replacement of the hours during which he was absent then the tuition for the replacement course is set at 30 € / teaching hour and is paid in addition to the agreed tuition for the entire study program. These tuition fees can be modified by the school and the interested student must contact the Secretariat for the amount of tuition fees that is valid each time. The days and hours of replacement will always be defined according to the availability of the space and the teaching staff.



  1. The agreed installments constitute a facility for the payment of the total cost of each section in which the interested party enrolls. The installments are consecutive monthly, required on the first of each month and in no case can the amount be adjusted due to the absence of the student from part or all of the courses

  2. The student who attends continuing vocational training programs consisting of more than one course, can add additional courses from his initial choice if this is possible by adjusting the total tuition. The same can be done in case someone wants to stop attending a part-time course.

  3. In case of interruption of the study, the student is obliged to pay immediately his financial obligations that concern all the installments up to the current month of notification of the interruption. The above applies regardless of whether the student has attended all the courses that have been conducted until the moment of interruption of study.

  4. Unemployment or student discounts are credited to each payment separately upon presentation of an active unemployment card or student pass. Other discounts are deducted from the last agreed installment

  5. The deposit required to reserve a position is the first monthly installment of the agreed dossier and is not refunded to the student under any circumstances unless a fault of the faculty is established.

  6. In case of a discount package in which all or part of the amount is prepaid, the amount will not be refunded if the student stops studying.


Interruption of studies

  1. Each student can terminate his / her studies immediately and at any time, after first informing the secretariat of the school in writing (in person or by email at in order to terminate the education contract. The student is obliged to pay immediately his financial obligations related to all installments up to the current month of notification of the interruption. The above applies regardless of whether the student has attended all the courses that have been conducted until the moment of interruption of study.

  2. In any case, in order to obtain the degree or the certificate of attendance, the student must have attended all the courses and his absences should not exceed 20% of the total attendance hours. He must also have met all his financial obligations.



  1. The school will use photographic material taken during the lessons with the works of the students  or also  snapshots of the course for its promotional activities. Students' faces will not appear in the photos unless they have accepted it.  


Υ & Α

  1. The student is obliged to read the Health and Safety Regulations of the school and to ask for clarifications in case something is not understood or clear. In particular, he must observe the safety measures at all times, always carry his personal protective equipment and avoid using materials / machines / tools and other equipment, even at the urging of a third party, colleague / trainer / rapporteur / collaborator / administrative staff. , if not trained by the school for its use.

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